Roger Dick is a native of Stanly County and is president and chief executive officer of Uwharrie Capital Corp, holding company for Uwharrie Bank and Uwharrie Investment Advisors. He is a graduate of Appalachian State University and received a Master of Business Administration, concentrating in finance, from UNC-Charlotte.
Roger holds FINRA Securities Registrations Series 7, 24, 63 and 65 and is a Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA®) certificant, a Certified Investment Management Consultant (CIMC®) certificant, and an Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF®) certificant.
Roger was the leader in the organization and development of Uwharrie Bank (formerly Bank of Stanly) in 1983 and has been instrumental in its success.
Advisory products and services are offered by Investment Advisory Representatives through Uwharrie Investment Advisors, a Registered Investment Advisor and subsidiary of Uwharrie Capital Corp and an affiliate of Uwharrie Bank.
Retail brokerage and insurance products are offered by Registered Representatives through Private Client Services, LLC. FINRA and SIPC member. Private Client Services and Uwharrie Capital Corp along with its affiliates and/or subsidiaries are separate, distinct, and unaffiliated entities. It is important to note that the securities and insurance offered are: NOT BANK DEPOSITS AND NOT INSURED BY THE FDIC OR ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY – NOT OBLIGATIONS OF OR GUARANTEED BY ANY FINANCIAL INSTITUTION – SUBJECT TO RISK AND MAY LOSE VALUE. Risk(s) will vary depending on investment made by the client. A Uwharrie Investment Advisor Representative will review these risk(s) with the client prior to investing.
Customer Disclosures and Client Relationship Summary (Form CRS)
The professional certifications, credentials, designations, licenses, and/or qualifications listed herein have not been sponsored, recommended, or approved by any state or federal governmental entity, agency (including the Securities and Exchange Commission), or office, nor have they been approved or endorsed by any self-regulatory authority. The Firm does not represent or imply otherwise.
Investments & Wealth Institute™ (The Institute) is the owner of the certification marks “CIMA®,” and “Certified Investment Management Analyst®, as well as the “CIMC®” and “Certified Investment Management Consultant®” certification marks. Use of CIMA®, Certified Investment Management Analyst®, CIMC®, or Certified Investment Management Consultant® signifies that the user has successfully completed The Institute’s initial and ongoing credentialing requirements for investment management professionals.